Dhanesh Industries Dhanesh Industries +919136377259 customerservice@dhaneshind.co.in
Plot # 46, GIDC, Phase #1, Narmada Nagar, Bharuch, Pin Code: 392015, Gujarat India.

Sea Salt Crystals

Sea Salt

Product Information

The magnesium content in this salt keeps muscles working well & helps tired feet when soaked in warm salt water(30 minutes). Calming and soporific effect(induces sleep). Cures muscle cramps by preventing toxin build up. Guards against hair loss( massage on scalp to improve blood circulation) by making hair follicles powerful. Prevents dandruff. Natural scrub to get rid of dirt and grime through skin massaging. Reduces eye puffiness and under eye dark circles through salt compress. Natural detoxifier( dampen face, apply thin layer of sea salt, dry). Eases swelling and imparts tenderness for in grown toe nails. Stronger & brighter nails due to minerals in sea salt(soak in seas salt water).

End Use:
Natural, chemical free, unrefined, hand harvested, solar dried pure salt crystals. Recommended for therapeutic, skin exfoliating, stress relief and beauty treatments. Health benefits at a fraction of a price as compared to complex beauty aids & that too naturally.

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Storage Conditions:

Retail Packs: Store in an airtight container by placing it in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight.

Bulk Packs: Store in in a cool, dry place(<75% Relative Humidity) away from direct sunlight.

Shelf Life:

24 Months from date of packaging

Package Quantity:

Primary Retail Packs of 1 Kg. and bulk packs of 25 Kg. & 50 Kg. Secondary Retail Packs: Laminated moisture proof HDPE bags of 1 x 25 Kgs( net weight).

Prices: Please contact sales@dhaneshind.co.in